Tuesday, May 30, 2006

IntiRymi, maybe spell's wrong

IntiRymi means "The party of Sun". The festival is held by indigenous people every year in May. It is very cultural, interesting, and crazy...with full of music, dances, dresses, and drinks...

It lasts 3 or 4 days, though I gave up in 2 days. My friend made it 4 days without sleeping at all... Must have been taking something.

I went to see this festival in Otavalo. People were playing music and dancing(it looked them running roundly for me). At the end of the festival, people came to the center of the Plaza de Poncho to get a gift from the god. I have never see so many indiginous people at one time. It was... interesting but furious.

I thought it's ended after they got gift. Then, they, no, WE went to Peguche where there is holly waterfall. They bathed under the waterfall, the temperature must have been below 0... Of course I bathed in too. FREEZING!!

when we came back from Waterfall, we visiting around almost all houses. We knocked the door and got inside played the music and got free drinks and left... it was around 2 or 3 AM. Some houses were sleeping and would not let us in. I was scared... They cursing those houses, they started to kick the door. That's culture too!!!

I came back to hostel and passed out.

well, it was very fun.

Monday, May 1, 2006

My Best Friends have come! 高校の友が訪問!

My friends have come to visit me to Ecuador! They came to Ecuador for only two weeks, but I am sure they enjoyed a lot and come back again. We took four days rafting trip. It was hard...not was vacation.

おつとりょうがエクアドルを訪ねに来た。 二週間つう短い間だったけど、エクアドルを満喫してくれたことを願う。 とにかく三人で飲んだ。て言っても弱くなってないか?こいつら。あまり飲めなかった気がするけど。三人でこっちのクラブに行って。飲んで最後にはおつとりょうとDerekがステージに上がって踊ってた。Derekすごい喜んでたぞ。また会いたいって。  かなりHardなスケジュールでRaftingに参加。4日間こぎました。蚊に刺されたり、原住民の人たちとサッカーしてマジ楽しかった。 亮君はやっぱり怪我をしました。あんな腫れをひさしぶりに見たよ。さすがだね。まあ、あんまり心配してなかったけど。    あ、最初の写真見せたらみんなに、こいつらゲイだろって言われた。  まあ、また来れるようだったら、今度はちゃんと一升瓶割らないで持ってきてください。